Legal Stuff & My Policies
This is the page where you find my legalities and policies. Yes, I think it's wisest to use capital letters in the legal stuff section, as most legal pages use them to point out really important stuff.
I figured it was about time to make this page, given that I've been at this for more than 5 years at the time of this writing (December 2013). So, laid out for all to see and reference as needed, this is all the legal crap, disclaimers, rules, and regulations I and this site abide by. I think you'll find my policies to be pretty fair.
Some of it is fairly standard, but since I'm a stepartist, I can make my own rules regarding my simfiles, so much of it is also unique; if you have questions, please take the time to read all of it. I've tried to cover as much as I could think of here, but if your question is somehow still unanswered, please contact me.
I figured it was about time to make this page, given that I've been at this for more than 5 years at the time of this writing (December 2013). So, laid out for all to see and reference as needed, this is all the legal crap, disclaimers, rules, and regulations I and this site abide by. I think you'll find my policies to be pretty fair.
Some of it is fairly standard, but since I'm a stepartist, I can make my own rules regarding my simfiles, so much of it is also unique; if you have questions, please take the time to read all of it. I've tried to cover as much as I could think of here, but if your question is somehow still unanswered, please contact me.
I will define the terms used here, as any good legal page should.
* A "simfile" is a folder containing, at the very least, a song file (generally an .ogg, could be an .mp3) and an .sm chart containing one or more "stepcharts" for the song in question. It generally also contains banner and background images, and possibly an appropriate background video, lyrics file, and/or the stepartist's logo (CDTitle). Basically, everything StepMania needs in order to run the song with its stepcharts during gameplay.
* A "stepchart" refers to the arrows that scroll up the screen during gameplay, meant to be hit in time with the music that is playing. (That's the entire point of arrow-based rhythm games.)
* A "stepartist" (or "stepchart author," though that term is antiquated) is a person who writes stepcharts.
* "Official Difficulties" refers to the standard five difficulty levels; in In The Groove terms, those are Novice, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert. This does not refer to Edits.
* A "simfile" is a folder containing, at the very least, a song file (generally an .ogg, could be an .mp3) and an .sm chart containing one or more "stepcharts" for the song in question. It generally also contains banner and background images, and possibly an appropriate background video, lyrics file, and/or the stepartist's logo (CDTitle). Basically, everything StepMania needs in order to run the song with its stepcharts during gameplay.
* A "stepchart" refers to the arrows that scroll up the screen during gameplay, meant to be hit in time with the music that is playing. (That's the entire point of arrow-based rhythm games.)
* A "stepartist" (or "stepchart author," though that term is antiquated) is a person who writes stepcharts.
* "Official Difficulties" refers to the standard five difficulty levels; in In The Groove terms, those are Novice, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert. This does not refer to Edits.
Legal Stuff & Disclaimers
Sorry, but this is where all the capital-letter phrases live. :p
* I am a stepartist, so most importantly for this site, any and all *stepcharts* in the Ace Of Hearts packs, whether the main pack or Singles, belong to me; they are my property. (Again, I claim ONLY the stepcharts themselves, and NOT any songs or images, so this only refers to the .sm file; see below.)
* I also claim ownership of my CDTitle images; the first was created by DMAxel specifically for me, the more recent ones are self-made.
* I also claim ownership of the text that appears on my banners that make my banners unique to my simfiles, but I do NOT claim ownership of the base image to which I added the text (for more on that, see below).
* If the simfile is not in one of my main volume packs, or my Singles pack, I DID NOT WRITE IT. Someone else did. Thus, if you have detailed questions about anything OTHER than the stuff I wrote, depending on the depth, you may need to - or even will *have* to - ask the original stepartist.
-> This has a slight deviation; some of my simfiles presently appear in "Otaku's Dream: 5th Anime Mix" (and one or more of the Pad Packs, I don't recall which) with my permission (and blessing). Two of them (as I recall) are old and have seen rewrites, but all rules on this page still apply.
* I DO NOT OWN NOR CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THE ACTUAL SONGS SEEN ON THIS WEBSITE. I don't claim any sort of ownership over them; I did not compose, perform, or sing any of the songs on this website, regardless of which pack they're in (mine or any of the other packs I offer). Copyrights on songs are held by their owners (since it could be anyone from the actual singer to the record company, I couldn't be asked in most cases precisely who owns what, other than being able to tell you "it's NOT me").
* I DO NOT OWN NOR CLAIM TO OWN ANY BASE IMAGES OR VIDEOS SEEN ON THIS WEBSITE. When I say a "base" image, I refer to the image itself, the way it looked when I got it. I say this because I do make banners for my songs by adding text (for which I have policies, below); I only claim to own any text I personally added to a banner, NOT the image itself.
* Just so you know, the reason I hardly ever put demonstration videos of my simfiles up on YouTube anymore is not because I don't want to, but because they've gone insane with taking things down and/or silencing them. I'd rather broadcast my play on Twitch.
* I am, as most unofficial stepartists are, generally not in the business of asking permission to use songs (that usually falls to *official* stepartists who write stepcharts for games such as "In The Groove" or "Pump It Up," or those who write formal official packs for StepMania, called "StepMix"). This does not mean I don't love you (given I'm using your song, you should be happy I've chosen to chart it). However, if you would merely like me to formally ask for your permission/blessing, or if for some reason you wish for me to take my simfile for your song down, just let me know; e-mail may be standard, but is not a good way to get in touch with me (I seldom check it), and it probably won't be seen for a while; I would recommend Discord or Twitter most highly. Granted, I do not like to remove songs from my pack, but I will indeed remove yours it if there is no possible way to convince you to allow me to include it.
-> The link for downloading the individual simfile will be taken down immediately as soon as I have confirmation that there is no way you will allow its presence. (Those're all on MediaFire anyway, so they're easy to find and delete.)
-> Its presence in my pack downloads (the archives and megapack) will be more difficult to undo, as those are larger files overall and take longer to replace, but I will do my best to re-upload all applicable packs without your song as soon as I am able to do so.
-> I'll also delete your song from the Energy Theory soundtrack if it's in there; again, since that's a bit of a big download, this may take a bit, but I'll do my best to replace the soundtrack without your song as soon as I can.
* I am a stepartist, so most importantly for this site, any and all *stepcharts* in the Ace Of Hearts packs, whether the main pack or Singles, belong to me; they are my property. (Again, I claim ONLY the stepcharts themselves, and NOT any songs or images, so this only refers to the .sm file; see below.)
* I also claim ownership of my CDTitle images; the first was created by DMAxel specifically for me, the more recent ones are self-made.
* I also claim ownership of the text that appears on my banners that make my banners unique to my simfiles, but I do NOT claim ownership of the base image to which I added the text (for more on that, see below).
* If the simfile is not in one of my main volume packs, or my Singles pack, I DID NOT WRITE IT. Someone else did. Thus, if you have detailed questions about anything OTHER than the stuff I wrote, depending on the depth, you may need to - or even will *have* to - ask the original stepartist.
-> This has a slight deviation; some of my simfiles presently appear in "Otaku's Dream: 5th Anime Mix" (and one or more of the Pad Packs, I don't recall which) with my permission (and blessing). Two of them (as I recall) are old and have seen rewrites, but all rules on this page still apply.
* I DO NOT OWN NOR CLAIM TO OWN ANY OF THE ACTUAL SONGS SEEN ON THIS WEBSITE. I don't claim any sort of ownership over them; I did not compose, perform, or sing any of the songs on this website, regardless of which pack they're in (mine or any of the other packs I offer). Copyrights on songs are held by their owners (since it could be anyone from the actual singer to the record company, I couldn't be asked in most cases precisely who owns what, other than being able to tell you "it's NOT me").
* I DO NOT OWN NOR CLAIM TO OWN ANY BASE IMAGES OR VIDEOS SEEN ON THIS WEBSITE. When I say a "base" image, I refer to the image itself, the way it looked when I got it. I say this because I do make banners for my songs by adding text (for which I have policies, below); I only claim to own any text I personally added to a banner, NOT the image itself.
* Just so you know, the reason I hardly ever put demonstration videos of my simfiles up on YouTube anymore is not because I don't want to, but because they've gone insane with taking things down and/or silencing them. I'd rather broadcast my play on Twitch.
* I am, as most unofficial stepartists are, generally not in the business of asking permission to use songs (that usually falls to *official* stepartists who write stepcharts for games such as "In The Groove" or "Pump It Up," or those who write formal official packs for StepMania, called "StepMix"). This does not mean I don't love you (given I'm using your song, you should be happy I've chosen to chart it). However, if you would merely like me to formally ask for your permission/blessing, or if for some reason you wish for me to take my simfile for your song down, just let me know; e-mail may be standard, but is not a good way to get in touch with me (I seldom check it), and it probably won't be seen for a while; I would recommend Discord or Twitter most highly. Granted, I do not like to remove songs from my pack, but I will indeed remove yours it if there is no possible way to convince you to allow me to include it.
-> The link for downloading the individual simfile will be taken down immediately as soon as I have confirmation that there is no way you will allow its presence. (Those're all on MediaFire anyway, so they're easy to find and delete.)
-> Its presence in my pack downloads (the archives and megapack) will be more difficult to undo, as those are larger files overall and take longer to replace, but I will do my best to re-upload all applicable packs without your song as soon as I am able to do so.
-> I'll also delete your song from the Energy Theory soundtrack if it's in there; again, since that's a bit of a big download, this may take a bit, but I'll do my best to replace the soundtrack without your song as soon as I can.
My Policies: How I Chart, Collaborate, and Communicate
Request Policy
* I do take simfiling requests - if there is a song you'd like me to make a simfile for, please do let me know! If I like the song, I'll chart it! Although I try to say yes when I can, and although I try to have an open mind for the types of songs I will chart, I do, however, reserve the right to turn down requests for any reason (if I don't like it, for example, I won't be able to stand charting it, or if I don't think I can figure out how I'd want to chart it at all, I may turn it down temporarily, or even if I say yes, it might sit in the prep table folder for a long time).
* You can communicate your request(s) to me any way you think you'll get in touch; as mentioned, Skype is probably your best bet to make sure I know as soon as possible, although other means of communication are available too, such as Facebook, or, if all else fails, e-mail.
How I Chart
* Just a few basics regarding my style if you decide you want to make a request or collaborate with me.
-> I chart in compatibility with on-foot play on an In The Groove 2 arcade cabinet.
-> This means that, despite my knowledge of what they are and how they work, I don't use SM4/5-unique elements (Lifts and Fakes).
-> This means I use rolls anywhere I think they're appropriate. It's 2013, if you're someone who still dislikes rolls, you need to emerge from the rock you're hiding under. (Most open-minded/modern stepartists have no problem with them.)
-> I put rolls where singers use vibrato, especially on higher difficulties, though this is probably most prominent on Hard in most cases (as Expert has other stuff to follow in some places). If you don't like it, get over it, because it's appropriate, and thus that's how I chart. If I'm certain I hear vibrato there, and there is nothing else to follow on the difficulty I'm charting, I will not change it. Period.
-> I believe in early introduction of rolls, so I will use rolls as far down in difficulty as I deem appropriate. Yes, even on Novice if I think they should be there.
-> If I feel it is appropriate, I will use footswitch or bracket-stomping on harder difficulties of my charts. Again, most open-minded/modern stepartists have no problem with these, as they've become somewhat standard to consider in recent years.
-> I do not write charts with a numerical difficulty in mind ("this chart is going to be an 11"). I believe in emotive, feeling-based charting, and only chart with the general difficulty in mind ("Hard," "Expert," you get the picture). I then rate it either once I have a general idea what it's becoming, or afterward. Numeric ratings are never final; I will change it later if others believe I am in error or I myself change my mind.
-> Again owing to emotive, feeling-based charting, I don't chart using any special editors that show me the song's waveform or anything real flashy like that. I do use headphones or earbuds to make sure I can hear all elements of the song, and go with, depending on the difficulty I'm doing, the element that is the most prominent, easiest, hardest, or most appropriate to play for the difficulty I'm writing. I do, however, chart using the visual editor, so I can be sure of my syncing, and play parts that seem off. I don't alter stepcharts by altering the .sm file directly unless I absolutely must.
-> I *always* make banners and use backgrounds, and try to include videos as appropriate - because I understand some themes don't display the song's title on the evaluation screen, and thus the banner is the only way to know which song you played. (Also, for the record, I think that anyone who believes banners and backgrounds only need to be done when you feel like it is an idiot; it shows that you don't care about the songs you didn't do images for as much as the ones you did do images for.)
How I Collaborate
* Just some basics regarding how I like to communicate when collaborating.
-> I understand why some packs use cuts, but let it be known that I don't like poorly-done cuts. If it's quite obvious you just snipped the song to make it ~2 minutes long, I will not chart it (especially if you didn't cut it in a good place or didn't bother to use a fade-out as appropriate) - reason being, I'd actually rather chart the long version than a crappy cut, especially if it has a cool or unique instrumental. If your cut is well-done, however, or official (like a TV-sized/OP/ED version), I will gladly do it, especially if it includes a decent portion of the song. If it comes down to crappy cut vs. long version and your pack does not have length restrictions, I will chart the long version if you'll let me.
-> I prize and value communication when doing a collaboration. I'm very friendly and available to talk to when possible, so getting in touch to give or request a status report is always good, as well as to ask for help when stuck (that goes both ways).
-> When collaborating on a single simfile, I like to listen to the song first, and before we even start, discuss how I want to do tempo stops if there are going to be any. The reason for this is to assure we will both/all be happy with where the stops are, and can all do with our charts what we want. Once it's decided on, whomever we decide on will write a chart and develop the tempo stop info, then hand it out to the other(s) so they'll have the same info.
-> I don't care what kind of pack it is, I fix my charts when I find them to be in error. I try very hard to do that before the pack's release when I possibly can. So if we're collaborating and you need a finished pack with no fixes, point out everything you think could be fixed to me before it gets released to minimize the chances of my releasing a fix after-the-fact.
-> If I am collaborating with you on a simfile or pack, input is welcome and encouraged, and general constructive criticism is appreciated (as well as being specific about where the change should be), but you will not go nazi on me about 100+ tiny little things in my chart that you want me to change to suit YOUR style. I'll give examples. Saying things like "Measure 9, beat 35.5, that 8th note...the singer doesn't use vibrato there, so you should use a hold, not a roll" is fine - that's not style, that's simply a fact of how the song is sung, and if I agree, I'll replace that roll with a hold. Same goes with consistency issues - "In Measure 73, you forgot to use crossovers here in this verse; I noticed you did so in the previous verse." But don't tell me things like "use footswitch in this chart" when I don't think the song feels like something I want to use footswitch in - it will not happen, period. I will behave the same way when reviewing your charts; I will not forcibly infringe upon your style, and only point out technical errors and inconsistencies. As long as it does not feel forceful, however, style *suggestions* may be made ("you might want to consider using a triple-stomp here instead of a handplant").
* I do take simfiling requests - if there is a song you'd like me to make a simfile for, please do let me know! If I like the song, I'll chart it! Although I try to say yes when I can, and although I try to have an open mind for the types of songs I will chart, I do, however, reserve the right to turn down requests for any reason (if I don't like it, for example, I won't be able to stand charting it, or if I don't think I can figure out how I'd want to chart it at all, I may turn it down temporarily, or even if I say yes, it might sit in the prep table folder for a long time).
* You can communicate your request(s) to me any way you think you'll get in touch; as mentioned, Skype is probably your best bet to make sure I know as soon as possible, although other means of communication are available too, such as Facebook, or, if all else fails, e-mail.
How I Chart
* Just a few basics regarding my style if you decide you want to make a request or collaborate with me.
-> I chart in compatibility with on-foot play on an In The Groove 2 arcade cabinet.
-> This means that, despite my knowledge of what they are and how they work, I don't use SM4/5-unique elements (Lifts and Fakes).
-> This means I use rolls anywhere I think they're appropriate. It's 2013, if you're someone who still dislikes rolls, you need to emerge from the rock you're hiding under. (Most open-minded/modern stepartists have no problem with them.)
-> I put rolls where singers use vibrato, especially on higher difficulties, though this is probably most prominent on Hard in most cases (as Expert has other stuff to follow in some places). If you don't like it, get over it, because it's appropriate, and thus that's how I chart. If I'm certain I hear vibrato there, and there is nothing else to follow on the difficulty I'm charting, I will not change it. Period.
-> I believe in early introduction of rolls, so I will use rolls as far down in difficulty as I deem appropriate. Yes, even on Novice if I think they should be there.
-> If I feel it is appropriate, I will use footswitch or bracket-stomping on harder difficulties of my charts. Again, most open-minded/modern stepartists have no problem with these, as they've become somewhat standard to consider in recent years.
-> I do not write charts with a numerical difficulty in mind ("this chart is going to be an 11"). I believe in emotive, feeling-based charting, and only chart with the general difficulty in mind ("Hard," "Expert," you get the picture). I then rate it either once I have a general idea what it's becoming, or afterward. Numeric ratings are never final; I will change it later if others believe I am in error or I myself change my mind.
-> Again owing to emotive, feeling-based charting, I don't chart using any special editors that show me the song's waveform or anything real flashy like that. I do use headphones or earbuds to make sure I can hear all elements of the song, and go with, depending on the difficulty I'm doing, the element that is the most prominent, easiest, hardest, or most appropriate to play for the difficulty I'm writing. I do, however, chart using the visual editor, so I can be sure of my syncing, and play parts that seem off. I don't alter stepcharts by altering the .sm file directly unless I absolutely must.
-> I *always* make banners and use backgrounds, and try to include videos as appropriate - because I understand some themes don't display the song's title on the evaluation screen, and thus the banner is the only way to know which song you played. (Also, for the record, I think that anyone who believes banners and backgrounds only need to be done when you feel like it is an idiot; it shows that you don't care about the songs you didn't do images for as much as the ones you did do images for.)
How I Collaborate
* Just some basics regarding how I like to communicate when collaborating.
-> I understand why some packs use cuts, but let it be known that I don't like poorly-done cuts. If it's quite obvious you just snipped the song to make it ~2 minutes long, I will not chart it (especially if you didn't cut it in a good place or didn't bother to use a fade-out as appropriate) - reason being, I'd actually rather chart the long version than a crappy cut, especially if it has a cool or unique instrumental. If your cut is well-done, however, or official (like a TV-sized/OP/ED version), I will gladly do it, especially if it includes a decent portion of the song. If it comes down to crappy cut vs. long version and your pack does not have length restrictions, I will chart the long version if you'll let me.
-> I prize and value communication when doing a collaboration. I'm very friendly and available to talk to when possible, so getting in touch to give or request a status report is always good, as well as to ask for help when stuck (that goes both ways).
-> When collaborating on a single simfile, I like to listen to the song first, and before we even start, discuss how I want to do tempo stops if there are going to be any. The reason for this is to assure we will both/all be happy with where the stops are, and can all do with our charts what we want. Once it's decided on, whomever we decide on will write a chart and develop the tempo stop info, then hand it out to the other(s) so they'll have the same info.
-> I don't care what kind of pack it is, I fix my charts when I find them to be in error. I try very hard to do that before the pack's release when I possibly can. So if we're collaborating and you need a finished pack with no fixes, point out everything you think could be fixed to me before it gets released to minimize the chances of my releasing a fix after-the-fact.
-> If I am collaborating with you on a simfile or pack, input is welcome and encouraged, and general constructive criticism is appreciated (as well as being specific about where the change should be), but you will not go nazi on me about 100+ tiny little things in my chart that you want me to change to suit YOUR style. I'll give examples. Saying things like "Measure 9, beat 35.5, that 8th note...the singer doesn't use vibrato there, so you should use a hold, not a roll" is fine - that's not style, that's simply a fact of how the song is sung, and if I agree, I'll replace that roll with a hold. Same goes with consistency issues - "In Measure 73, you forgot to use crossovers here in this verse; I noticed you did so in the previous verse." But don't tell me things like "use footswitch in this chart" when I don't think the song feels like something I want to use footswitch in - it will not happen, period. I will behave the same way when reviewing your charts; I will not forcibly infringe upon your style, and only point out technical errors and inconsistencies. As long as it does not feel forceful, however, style *suggestions* may be made ("you might want to consider using a triple-stomp here instead of a handplant").
My Policies: Offering My Simfiles and Using Elements Thereof
Offering My Simfile Packs On Your Website
* If you wish to offer my simfiles packs on your website, here are the policies regarding that:
-> Regardless of which pack or type it is, let me know, so that I'll be aware where my material is being offered. (I will never say no, I just want to know - hey, everyone loves publicity, right?)
-> You can re-upload any packs you want to, and use your own hosting links; just be aware that the megapacks are meant to get updated when I release a new update for them, and I don't want you to end up forgetting to keep an eye on my website for a new megapack.
-> Archived packs (aka "update packs," anything found on the Archives page) are meant to be permanent/semi-permanent, and are hosted on MediaFire. Unless something major happens with one or more songs in them, they generally should never see updates; thus, the links should be stable, and you should be able to just use my links (you have my automatic permission to use those links if you have my permission to put my packs on your site). If they are removed or fixes are made and they are updated, I will announce it in the news column of the main page, and you should re-link if necessary.
-> Megapacks (both the large main pack and the Singles pack, as well as my two compilation packs) are hosted on Mega, and the appropriate links change every single time I release a new pack, not only because they've become outdated, but also because, in order to save space on my Mega account, I actually delete old megapacks from it. So if you're planning to host one of my two megapacks, my recommendation is to use my link for it, and then watch for the next pack release so you can get an updated link the moment the new pack comes out.
Offering My Individual Simfiles On Your Website
* If you wish to offer individual simfiles of mine on your website, these are the policies on that, since I can understand that sometimes more casual artists and companies may wish to have only simfile(s) that apply to their works:
-> Tell me about it. (I won't say no, I just want to know.)
-> You can use my link if you want, or re-upload it and thus use your own.
-> If you're using your own link, you may not change the contents of the simfile; if you wish to add a text file with some additional words or something to say in the Fun Facts file, please let me know, as I definitely would like to have the actual artist/company's input in the simfile somewhere. (You have no idea how much I'd love some of my Fun Fact files to be able to say "such-and-such artist/company knows about this simfile, and it has their blessing and support.")
-> If I announce a fix for that simfile, you are expected to update it, as it is only a single simfile, and thus isn't a big deal to do. (As stated, by the time a simfile makes it into one of my big pack releases, it probably won't see further fixes, but you never know.) If I can recall that you had that simfile, I'll do my best to let you know it has seen an update that you need.
Videos of My Simfiles
* Of course I'll let you put up videos of my sims! Publicity from outside is always good.
Using My Simfiles in Your Compilation/Collaboration Packs
* If you want any of my simfiles to appear in one of your collaboration or compilation simfile packs (this goes for things like the Otaku's Dream packs), just get in touch with me, telling me which songs you wish to include - I have no problems with my simfiles appearing in appropriate packs. The reason I ask you to get in touch with me is not really for my permission/blessing (I seldom say no, and have yet to do so, though I suppose it's always possible), but rather mostly just so I know about it. Once you can confirm that I know about it (I've sent a reply), you can put the requested simfiles in your pack.
-> Just try to make sure you have whichever version of the simfile is the latest at the time of your pack's release; I've been known to occasionally tweak simfiles before a pack release when/if I find minor things wrong with them. After the pack's initial release, it's up to your discretion whether you update the pack when and if I release any additional fixes for simfiles you've used (I'd prefer you do so, but that's not my decision; either way, charts almost never get tweaked once I put them in one of my own pack releases anyway).
Collaboration Projects
* I am still very open to the concept of collaborative works. If I'm planning to write a simfile for something, and you are also a stepartist who wishes to collaborate with me, let me know! The higher the quality of your work and the more I like your style, the more likely I will say yes. If I don't know you well as a stepartist, I will probably ask to see some of your previous works so I can discern your quality and style. I understand that things can change, so if you've been a stepartist for a long time and I somehow haven't played much (or any) of your work, I will specifically ask for your most recent pack release/simfiles so I can see how you're doing things right now. I will also do that as a second chance for those I've turned down before.
-> If you want (and I don't see why you wouldn't, though you can turn it down), our collaborative simfile will appear in my next archive and megapack releases.
-> This goes for simfile *pack* projects as well - if your collaboration pack is in a stage where it still needs stepartists to get all the songs done, regardless of whether the general song list is set in stone or not, you can definitely contact me and ask me to participate. I will do all in my power to produce quality charts for your pack - especially if I get to pick the songs I chart. Please do not simply assign songs to me; I may not necessarily like them, and if that's the case, don't expect swift or quality work - I do my best work on songs I like, and thus will not promise anything regarding any song(s) I don't get along with.
Using My Stepcharts and Writing Edits (Stepchart Usage Policy)
* You MAY NOT make changes to (modify) my stepcharts and claim them to be your own unique, individual work, nor simply steal them without changing them and claim them to be yours (plagiarism). I will find you and expose you - I will make sure every stepartist I can communicate with knows about your crime. If you keep doing it, I will lose any respect I had for you and, if it's really bad, possibly even do what I can to press charges.
-> Related: If you believe any of my charts is good otherwise, but has one or more major flaws that would otherwise make you feel like doing the above, it'd be much better for both of us if you just told me about it. If I agree with you, I'll change it (I don't care how old the chart is).
* You MAY write entirely unique Edits for my existing simfiles. If you do this, and would like to offer your edit publicly, TELL ME ABOUT IT! Not because I'll say no - actually, it's the complete opposite: if you send me your edit, if I find that it is quality work, I will actually start including it in my pack.
Banner Usage Policy
* I have a policy regarding my banners as well. It is multi-part:
-> If one or more of my official difficulties are included, and are the ONLY official difficulties in the simfile (you only wrote edits, if anything), then you MAY use my banner. However, although I will reluctantly allow removal of difficulties, as a stepartist who encourages availability of all five difficulty levels, I will frown upon you including any less than all 5 difficulty levels if it's one of my main pack simfiles - especially if you only include the Expert chart. (.sm files are NOT that big, and don't take up much space, so "saving space" is an extremely poor excuse).
-> If you have included one or more of my own stepcharts, but added your own official difficulties, it is no longer solely my work, and therefore you MAY NOT use my banner for it. (You better have also deleted my CDTitle out of the folder.) However, if you get in touch with me, as stated, I might add your charts as edits. (You are probably not going to convince me to replace my own existing charts, unless I ABSOLUTELY LOVE yours.)
-> If none of my stepcharts appear in the simfile, not only may you NOT use my banner, YOU BETTER NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING THAT HAS MY NAME ON IT ANYWHERE. (Knowledgeable stepartists will know where-all one might insert self-credit; if you don't know, ask.) I don't even care if the reason you took my banner was for a ridiculous simfile-writing tournament, it is WRONG to steal banners, and gives both of us bad publicity. Don't do it.
Lyric File Usage Policy
* Lyric files can be a bit ambiguous too, so my policy on using lyric files I wrote for placement in your simfiles needs put here too. Granted that unlike stepcharts, the lyrics will *always* be the same (unless a better translation or better timing comes along), I can't really say you can't use my lyrics in your simfiles, but do give me credit for writing the file, and do let me know by getting in touch with me.
Resynchronizing ("Resyncing") My Simfiles
* I am aware of people like Mute who, aside from being a stepartist, also occasionally make it their duty to resync entire packs, and make sure the whole thing is spot-on. I do try to sync my files to the best of my ability (and fix them when I know for a fact they're wrong), and although I know all are acceptably within Fantastic-level timing (in other words, they can be 100%'d), many are not as close as they could be to proper Magnificent-level timing. To date, my packs have not yet been the subject of a formal resyncing project. If anyone I know to have an excellent sense of synchronization (such as Mute or any other stepartist who has been doing things for a long time I could trust) offers to take up a resync project on my pack, please get in touch, as I'd be more than happy to allow you to resync my pack.
* If you wish to offer my simfiles packs on your website, here are the policies regarding that:
-> Regardless of which pack or type it is, let me know, so that I'll be aware where my material is being offered. (I will never say no, I just want to know - hey, everyone loves publicity, right?)
-> You can re-upload any packs you want to, and use your own hosting links; just be aware that the megapacks are meant to get updated when I release a new update for them, and I don't want you to end up forgetting to keep an eye on my website for a new megapack.
-> Archived packs (aka "update packs," anything found on the Archives page) are meant to be permanent/semi-permanent, and are hosted on MediaFire. Unless something major happens with one or more songs in them, they generally should never see updates; thus, the links should be stable, and you should be able to just use my links (you have my automatic permission to use those links if you have my permission to put my packs on your site). If they are removed or fixes are made and they are updated, I will announce it in the news column of the main page, and you should re-link if necessary.
-> Megapacks (both the large main pack and the Singles pack, as well as my two compilation packs) are hosted on Mega, and the appropriate links change every single time I release a new pack, not only because they've become outdated, but also because, in order to save space on my Mega account, I actually delete old megapacks from it. So if you're planning to host one of my two megapacks, my recommendation is to use my link for it, and then watch for the next pack release so you can get an updated link the moment the new pack comes out.
Offering My Individual Simfiles On Your Website
* If you wish to offer individual simfiles of mine on your website, these are the policies on that, since I can understand that sometimes more casual artists and companies may wish to have only simfile(s) that apply to their works:
-> Tell me about it. (I won't say no, I just want to know.)
-> You can use my link if you want, or re-upload it and thus use your own.
-> If you're using your own link, you may not change the contents of the simfile; if you wish to add a text file with some additional words or something to say in the Fun Facts file, please let me know, as I definitely would like to have the actual artist/company's input in the simfile somewhere. (You have no idea how much I'd love some of my Fun Fact files to be able to say "such-and-such artist/company knows about this simfile, and it has their blessing and support.")
-> If I announce a fix for that simfile, you are expected to update it, as it is only a single simfile, and thus isn't a big deal to do. (As stated, by the time a simfile makes it into one of my big pack releases, it probably won't see further fixes, but you never know.) If I can recall that you had that simfile, I'll do my best to let you know it has seen an update that you need.
Videos of My Simfiles
* Of course I'll let you put up videos of my sims! Publicity from outside is always good.
Using My Simfiles in Your Compilation/Collaboration Packs
* If you want any of my simfiles to appear in one of your collaboration or compilation simfile packs (this goes for things like the Otaku's Dream packs), just get in touch with me, telling me which songs you wish to include - I have no problems with my simfiles appearing in appropriate packs. The reason I ask you to get in touch with me is not really for my permission/blessing (I seldom say no, and have yet to do so, though I suppose it's always possible), but rather mostly just so I know about it. Once you can confirm that I know about it (I've sent a reply), you can put the requested simfiles in your pack.
-> Just try to make sure you have whichever version of the simfile is the latest at the time of your pack's release; I've been known to occasionally tweak simfiles before a pack release when/if I find minor things wrong with them. After the pack's initial release, it's up to your discretion whether you update the pack when and if I release any additional fixes for simfiles you've used (I'd prefer you do so, but that's not my decision; either way, charts almost never get tweaked once I put them in one of my own pack releases anyway).
Collaboration Projects
* I am still very open to the concept of collaborative works. If I'm planning to write a simfile for something, and you are also a stepartist who wishes to collaborate with me, let me know! The higher the quality of your work and the more I like your style, the more likely I will say yes. If I don't know you well as a stepartist, I will probably ask to see some of your previous works so I can discern your quality and style. I understand that things can change, so if you've been a stepartist for a long time and I somehow haven't played much (or any) of your work, I will specifically ask for your most recent pack release/simfiles so I can see how you're doing things right now. I will also do that as a second chance for those I've turned down before.
-> If you want (and I don't see why you wouldn't, though you can turn it down), our collaborative simfile will appear in my next archive and megapack releases.
-> This goes for simfile *pack* projects as well - if your collaboration pack is in a stage where it still needs stepartists to get all the songs done, regardless of whether the general song list is set in stone or not, you can definitely contact me and ask me to participate. I will do all in my power to produce quality charts for your pack - especially if I get to pick the songs I chart. Please do not simply assign songs to me; I may not necessarily like them, and if that's the case, don't expect swift or quality work - I do my best work on songs I like, and thus will not promise anything regarding any song(s) I don't get along with.
Using My Stepcharts and Writing Edits (Stepchart Usage Policy)
* You MAY NOT make changes to (modify) my stepcharts and claim them to be your own unique, individual work, nor simply steal them without changing them and claim them to be yours (plagiarism). I will find you and expose you - I will make sure every stepartist I can communicate with knows about your crime. If you keep doing it, I will lose any respect I had for you and, if it's really bad, possibly even do what I can to press charges.
-> Related: If you believe any of my charts is good otherwise, but has one or more major flaws that would otherwise make you feel like doing the above, it'd be much better for both of us if you just told me about it. If I agree with you, I'll change it (I don't care how old the chart is).
* You MAY write entirely unique Edits for my existing simfiles. If you do this, and would like to offer your edit publicly, TELL ME ABOUT IT! Not because I'll say no - actually, it's the complete opposite: if you send me your edit, if I find that it is quality work, I will actually start including it in my pack.
Banner Usage Policy
* I have a policy regarding my banners as well. It is multi-part:
-> If one or more of my official difficulties are included, and are the ONLY official difficulties in the simfile (you only wrote edits, if anything), then you MAY use my banner. However, although I will reluctantly allow removal of difficulties, as a stepartist who encourages availability of all five difficulty levels, I will frown upon you including any less than all 5 difficulty levels if it's one of my main pack simfiles - especially if you only include the Expert chart. (.sm files are NOT that big, and don't take up much space, so "saving space" is an extremely poor excuse).
-> If you have included one or more of my own stepcharts, but added your own official difficulties, it is no longer solely my work, and therefore you MAY NOT use my banner for it. (You better have also deleted my CDTitle out of the folder.) However, if you get in touch with me, as stated, I might add your charts as edits. (You are probably not going to convince me to replace my own existing charts, unless I ABSOLUTELY LOVE yours.)
-> If none of my stepcharts appear in the simfile, not only may you NOT use my banner, YOU BETTER NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING THAT HAS MY NAME ON IT ANYWHERE. (Knowledgeable stepartists will know where-all one might insert self-credit; if you don't know, ask.) I don't even care if the reason you took my banner was for a ridiculous simfile-writing tournament, it is WRONG to steal banners, and gives both of us bad publicity. Don't do it.
Lyric File Usage Policy
* Lyric files can be a bit ambiguous too, so my policy on using lyric files I wrote for placement in your simfiles needs put here too. Granted that unlike stepcharts, the lyrics will *always* be the same (unless a better translation or better timing comes along), I can't really say you can't use my lyrics in your simfiles, but do give me credit for writing the file, and do let me know by getting in touch with me.
Resynchronizing ("Resyncing") My Simfiles
* I am aware of people like Mute who, aside from being a stepartist, also occasionally make it their duty to resync entire packs, and make sure the whole thing is spot-on. I do try to sync my files to the best of my ability (and fix them when I know for a fact they're wrong), and although I know all are acceptably within Fantastic-level timing (in other words, they can be 100%'d), many are not as close as they could be to proper Magnificent-level timing. To date, my packs have not yet been the subject of a formal resyncing project. If anyone I know to have an excellent sense of synchronization (such as Mute or any other stepartist who has been doing things for a long time I could trust) offers to take up a resync project on my pack, please get in touch, as I'd be more than happy to allow you to resync my pack.
Everything Regarding the PrismRhythm Theme
* First of all, the actual visual novel "PrismRhythm" is (c) 2010 Lump of Sugar.
* I do not own any of the images or sound effects seen or heard in the theme. As far as I am aware, Lump of Sugar does not know about this graphical theme; however, I would imagine, given how hard I've worked on this thing, that it would please them to see how nice it now looks (despite my decided lack of skill in resizing some things). If it came to it, I'd be happy to have Lump of Sugar staff assist me in modifying the theme further.
* Secondly, if you wish to offer the PrismRhythm theme on your website, make sure you're broadcasting to potential downloaders which type you're offering (ITG or PR timing, and Normal or Belltina Mode), and which version number it is. It should go without saying that you should be on the lookout for me to update it, and if/when I do, you should update your download too if you're using your own link.
* Again, just let me know what you're doing, so I know where the theme is being offered.
* Once more, I recommend you use my links, so they'll die when I update the theme, so you'll know to come to my site to get the new version.
* I do not own any of the images or sound effects seen or heard in the theme. As far as I am aware, Lump of Sugar does not know about this graphical theme; however, I would imagine, given how hard I've worked on this thing, that it would please them to see how nice it now looks (despite my decided lack of skill in resizing some things). If it came to it, I'd be happy to have Lump of Sugar staff assist me in modifying the theme further.
* Secondly, if you wish to offer the PrismRhythm theme on your website, make sure you're broadcasting to potential downloaders which type you're offering (ITG or PR timing, and Normal or Belltina Mode), and which version number it is. It should go without saying that you should be on the lookout for me to update it, and if/when I do, you should update your download too if you're using your own link.
* Again, just let me know what you're doing, so I know where the theme is being offered.
* Once more, I recommend you use my links, so they'll die when I update the theme, so you'll know to come to my site to get the new version.
List of Permissions / Outside Offerings
This is the "as far as I know" list, basically; who I know of is offering things found on my site, and who does/doesn't have my permission.
Offering Mirrors For My Pack
The following websites/entities are presently offering alternates or mirrors for my packs:
* R21Freak's Dropbox Index
Listed under the "R21" category in their Dropbox.
-> Ace Of Hearts: Unstoppable Love Power (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace Of Hearts: Taller When Determined (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 1: Fun Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 2: Serious Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
* StepMania Online Official Download List
Listed on their main download page with everything else.
-> Ace Of Hearts: Unstoppable Love Power (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace Of Hearts: Taller When Determined (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 1: Fun Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 2: Serious Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
(Support for these four packs will be added the next time the /scan feature is updated.)
My Smfiles Individually in Other Sites' Compilation Packs
The following packs include one or more of my simfiles:
* Otaku's Dream: 5th Anime Mix (I will add the specific songs when I can figure out which ones they were.)
* One or more of the Otaku's Dream Pad Packs. (Again, I'll add specific songs when I know which sims are in there.)
The following websites/entities have my consent to include my simfiles in collaboration/compilation packs they create, so long as all credits to myself included in my simfiles are intact and they let me know when they're including something of mine:
* R21Freak
* DivinElegy
* StepMania Online
^ I understand the desire for some compilation/collaboration packs to possess uniformity in look (I know Otaku's Dream encourages individuality, but sites like R21Freak try to shoot for nicer, sleeker, uniform looks); therefore, any sites above that wish to may request my base materials for, and do the following things for, my banners and backgrounds, if they have my approval of the finished products:
-> Make a nicer-version banner that is more suited to their pack's uniform look, so long as it looks as close to my original banner as they can get it.
-> Make a nicer-version background picture, with or without the song's name and/or artist, or replace it with a new one I like that I didn't previously know about and also find to be more suitable.
There are currently no websites/entities on my blacklist (don't have my permission).
Offering Mirrors For My Pack
The following websites/entities are presently offering alternates or mirrors for my packs:
* R21Freak's Dropbox Index
Listed under the "R21" category in their Dropbox.
-> Ace Of Hearts: Unstoppable Love Power (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace Of Hearts: Taller When Determined (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 1: Fun Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 2: Serious Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
* StepMania Online Official Download List
Listed on their main download page with everything else.
-> Ace Of Hearts: Unstoppable Love Power (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace Of Hearts: Taller When Determined (November 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 1: Fun Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
-> Ace's Picks Pack 2: Serious Stuff (May 2013; Latest)
(Support for these four packs will be added the next time the /scan feature is updated.)
My Smfiles Individually in Other Sites' Compilation Packs
The following packs include one or more of my simfiles:
* Otaku's Dream: 5th Anime Mix (I will add the specific songs when I can figure out which ones they were.)
* One or more of the Otaku's Dream Pad Packs. (Again, I'll add specific songs when I know which sims are in there.)
The following websites/entities have my consent to include my simfiles in collaboration/compilation packs they create, so long as all credits to myself included in my simfiles are intact and they let me know when they're including something of mine:
* R21Freak
* DivinElegy
* StepMania Online
^ I understand the desire for some compilation/collaboration packs to possess uniformity in look (I know Otaku's Dream encourages individuality, but sites like R21Freak try to shoot for nicer, sleeker, uniform looks); therefore, any sites above that wish to may request my base materials for, and do the following things for, my banners and backgrounds, if they have my approval of the finished products:
-> Make a nicer-version banner that is more suited to their pack's uniform look, so long as it looks as close to my original banner as they can get it.
-> Make a nicer-version background picture, with or without the song's name and/or artist, or replace it with a new one I like that I didn't previously know about and also find to be more suitable.
There are currently no websites/entities on my blacklist (don't have my permission).