Welcome!Who Am I?
I'm an active stepartist, but am also a variety streamer on Twitch with my own Discord server. What's This Website? A place where I stick all my simfiles, as well as those of others whose work I enjoy. Want to Get in Touch? You can check out my Twitch channel here, or join my Discord server over there on the right. |
If you like my work, please, please, please tell me!
Pretty much 100% of my motivation comes from seeing or hearing that my work is being played.
I even have a leaderboard for my Discord server members.
Pretty much 100% of my motivation comes from seeing or hearing that my work is being played.
I even have a leaderboard for my Discord server members.
It's best to check out the StepMania Stuff page to get the game itself first.
It would then do you well to visit the How-To Page to learn how arrow-based rhythm games work.
(Check out my best, or any available previews!) Current Archives Release
Ace's Arrow Archives (Vol. 21 Iteration)
Get It From: [🪅Google Drive] [☄️MediaFire] The Best of Volumes 1 to 21 (April 2023 // 100 Songs // 1.75 GB // Which Songs) (Contains revision of "Nice to Meet You, Mr. Earthling") This pack is for people who want or need a limited selection. (For example, tournaments, events, or saving on space or folder count.) If your collection is already using my standard packs, you have no need for the Archives pack; you can safely ignore it. How Do I Treat a New Archives Pack? The Archives pack is an evolving compilation pack. Thus, if you are using an old version of the Archives pack and a new version comes out, you trash the old one and completely replace it with the new one. (Get my standard packs here.) Latest Standard Pack Release
Volume 21: Rekindled
Get It From: [🪅Google Drive] [☄️MediaFire] [🌐StepMania Online] Latest Standard Pack (April 2023 // 21 Songs // 429 MB) (Includes the November 2023 revisions. All changes are minor.) Standard packs are for Ace Of Arrows fans who want to make sure they never miss anything. There is no need to supplement standard packs with the Archives pack. If you're switching to these from the Archives pack, you're deprecating your need for it, and can safely trash it. How Do I Treat a New Standard Pack? Standard packs all have unique content. Thus, if you're using other standard packs I've released, you just stick the new one in alongside the others, as you would do with other typical packs. Previous Standard Pack Releases
Special Notes About Zenius Downloads
Although Zenius is fantastic for acting as an archive (the primary reason I'm uploading there), it has very strict limits on file types and sizes. * Pack banners on Zenius must be DDR standard 256x80. This is not the resolution I use, which is ITG standard 418x164, but I had to make Zenius pack banners, or there wouldn't be pack banners there. * Due to file type/size constraints, some nonessential files such as videos/BGs may be missing entirely from the Zenius version of my packs. I'm not resizing a bazillion things for them. For these reasons, I don't generally recommend downloading my packs from Zenius unless you've got awful internet and/or don't care if you don't get everything. Latest Singles Megapack Release
Ace Of Arrows Singles: Memoirs
Get It From: [🪅Google Drive] [☄️MediaFire] Best Singles I've Ever Produced as of Volume 20 (August 2021 // 54 Songs // 566 MB) Singles are simfiles with only one stepchart. This pack consists of the best Singles I've made, complete with new banners for this release. How Do I Treat a New Singles Pack? The Singles pack is an evolving compilation pack. Thus, if you are using an old version of the Singles pack and a new version comes out, you trash the old one and completely replace it with the new one. To be entirely clear, you do not need to have any singles packs by any other surname! These surnames are those of OUTDATED singles packs: Simply Splendid Steps (July 2019) Wholehearted Choreography (June 2014) Taller When Determined (November 2013) Aiming for Your Heart (October 2010) Heart and Soul in Arrows (May 2010) Songs to Stir the Soul (October 2009) |